This method is also applicable for another Windows version like XP, Vista.
1- Firstly, you need to have Windows 7 Installation DVD.
2- Boot your computer with Windows 7 Installation DVD -> Click Next
3- Click Repair your computer
4- Wait until it completes searching your current windows files -> then click NEXT
5- Click on Command Prompt
6- You’ll see command prompt window displays
7- Type copy d:\windows\system32\sethc.exe d:
(It makes backup sethc.exe to restore later)
Remark :
- Windows 7 files are mainly stored in Drive D: whereas Drive C: stored system start-up files which is used to restore your system.
- Windows XP/Vista files are mainly stored in Drive C:
8- Type copy /y d:\windows\system32\cmd.exe d:\windows\system32\sethc.exe
(Now you replace sethc.exe with cmd.exe)
9- Now, you restart your computer without Windows 7 Installation DVD
10- The moment, you see the Windows Log in Interface, you must press SHIFT key 5 times -> you’ll see Command Prompt Window displays -> Type net user your_user_name your_new_password
(Your_user_name is user’s account that you want to reset password, i.e. Administrator, Pagnarith,….)
=> Look at the following images
11- Now, you can log in your Account with your new password
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