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WirelessNetView v1.43 - Wireless Network Monitoring Tool

Friday, February 8, 20130 comments


WirelessNetView is a small utility that runs in the background, and monitor the activity of wireless networks around you. For each detected network, it displays the following information: SSID, Last Signal Quality, Average Signal Quality, Detection Counter, Authentication Algorithm, Cipher Algorithm, MAC Address, RSSI, Channel Frequency, Channel Number, and more.

System Requirements

  • Wireless network adapter and wireless card driver that works with the built-in wireless support of Windows XP/Vista/7/2008.
  • Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, or Windows XP with SP2/SP3. For Windows XP with SP2, it's recommended to install the KB918997 update. To download this update, click here.

Known Issues

  • 'Maximum Speed' and 'PHY Types' columns display incorrect values on Windows XP. 

Using WirelessNetView

In order to start using WirelessNetView, simply run the executable file - WirelessNetView.exe
After running it, the main window displays the list of all wireless networks detected on your area. The list is automatically updated every 10 seconds, so you can see the changes in networks signal. Also, if new wireless networks are detected, they'll be added to the list.

The 'Company Name' Column

Starting from version 1.10, WirelessNetView allows you to view the company name of each wireless device. The company name is determined according to the MAC address. However, in order to get this feature, you must download the following external file, and put in the same folder of WirelessNetView.exe: http://standards.ieee.org/develop/regauth/oui/oui.txt
Be aware that you must save it as 'oui.txt'

Translating WirelessNetView to other languages

In order to translate WirelessNetView to other language, follow the instructions below:
  1. Run WirelessNetView with /savelangfile parameter:
    WirelessNetView.exe /savelangfile
    A file named WirelessNetView_lng.ini will be created in the folder of WirelessNetView utility.
  2. Open the created language file in Notepad or in any other text editor.
  3. Translate all string entries to the desired language. Optionally, you can also add your name and/or a link to your Web site. (TranslatorName and TranslatorURL values) If you add this information, it'll be used in the 'About' window.
  4. After you finish the translation, Run WirelessNetView, and all translated strings will be loaded from the language file.
    If you want to run WirelessNetView without the translation, simply rename the language file, or move it to another folder.

Command-Line Options

/stext <Filename> Save the list of wireless networks into a regular text file.
/stab <Filename> Save the list of wireless networks into a tab-delimited text file.
/scomma <Filename> Save the list of wireless networks into a comma-delimited text file (csv).
/stabular <Filename> Save the list of wireless networks into a tabular text file.
/shtml <Filename> Save the list of wireless networks into HTML file (Horizontal).
/sverhtml <Filename> Save the list of wireless networks into HTML file (Vertical).
/sxml <Filename> Save the list of wireless networks into XML file.
/sort <column> This command-line option can be used with other save options for sorting by the desired column. If you don't specify this option, the list is sorted according to the last sort that you made from the user interface. The <column> parameter can specify the column index (0 for the first column, 1 for the second column, and so on) or the name of the column, like "SSID" and "Last Signal". You can specify the '~' prefix character (e.g: "~SSID") if you want to sort in descending order. You can put multiple /sort in the command-line if you want to sort by multiple columns. Examples:
WirelessNetView.exe /shtml "f:\temp\wireless.html" /sort 2 /sort ~1
WirelessNetView.exe /shtml "f:\temp\wireless.html" /sort "~Security Enabled" /sort "SSID"
/nosort When you specify this command-line option, the list will be saved without any sorting.
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